Office of Global Engagement
International Students and Scholars

Brown University is required to comply with United States immigration and tax law when issuing payments to foreign nationals. To comply with these requirements and to process your payment(s) as quickly as possible, you must enter specific data pertaining to your immigration and tax status into Sprintax Calculus. You are also required to upload the following documents in the Document Exchange location of Sprintax Calculus that applies to your Visa status in order to verify your information you have entered into the Sprintax Calculus Software - copy of passport, passport stamps, I-94, I-94 Travel History, Copy of Visa, Copy of DS-2019, I-20 or I-797 depending on your visa type.

OISSS and the Foreign National Tax’s Office are not in a position to provide individualized tax advice.

You should complete the Sprintax-Calculus process at the start of your employment (or scholarship/fellowship) at Brown University, and also annually in December prior to the start of each new upcoming calendar year.


Required Steps


1) Request a username and password

  • Send an email to requesting a username and password.
  • Your e-mail should contain your full legal name, and e-mail address.


2)  When you receive your activation email for Sprintax Calculus

  • Follow the instructions that are provided in the activation email to activate your Sprintax Calculus Account 
    (NOTE: You should NOT use Sprintax directly to sign in, you will need to use the activation link provided in the email to access Sprintax Calculus correctly.)


3) Enter the requested information in the Sprintax Calculus Software

  • You will see a progress tab of the information that is required.
  • All fields with the symbol * are required fields which need to be answered


4.) Upload all related Documents in the Document Exchange

  • Copy of Visa -(All Visa Types except for the WB Visa Waiver, which is obtained by completing an ESTA application)
  • Copy of Passport - (All Visa types including Visa Waiver)
  • Passport Stamps -  (some locations are no longer providing the stamp the I-94 would be the record of entry)
  • DS-2019 (J-1 Visa Only)
  • I-20 (F-1 Visa Only) – If you are on OPT you will also need to provide a copy of your EAD card front/back if you have not received the EAD card you will need to provide your approval letter.
  • Copy of I-94 and I-94 Travel History (All Visa Types – you can retrieve the I-94 and the I-94 Travel History from the following  link Click on tab that reads get most recent I-94, then click on I-94 get this traveler’s travel history


5) Review, sign, and date the available tax forms

  • Review and e-sign your tax forms when they are available.
  • Once the tax forms are e-signed the foreign national tax team is notified that you have signed and returned the necessary tax forms.


Helpful tools to assist with the completion of your Sprintax Calculus Account below

Where can I get step by step guidance for filling out my Sprintax Calculus Profile? Super easy how to videos 
Sprintax Videos (Please note that the videos reference Sprintax TDS however they apply to Sprintax Calculus. The company updated the name of their software after they uploaded the videos)

Sprintax Calculus Job Aid

Sprintax Complete Instruction User Manual

FAQ's Sprintax Calculus

For additional questions regarding Sprintax Calculus, please contact the Foreign National Tax Office at